Seven Papers Accepted by ICCAD'2024
Seven papers, including 2 papers on privacy-preserving AI and 5 papers on efficient AI, are accepted by ICCAD'2024 as regular papers.
Papers on privacy-preserving AI:
- PrivQuant: Communication-Efficient Private Inference with Quantized Network/Protocol Co-Optimization
- FlexHE: A flexible Kernel Generation Framework for Homomorphic Encryption-Based Private Inference
Papers on efficient AI:
- OSCA: End-to-end Serial Stochastic Computing Neural Acceleration with Fine-grained Scaling and Piecewise Activation
- HG-PIPE: Vision Transformer Acceleration with Hybrid-Grained Pipeline
- ProPD: Dynamic Token Tree Pruning and Generation for LLM Parallel Decoding
- AdapMoE: Adaptive Sensitivity-based Expert Gating and Management for Efficient MoE Inference
- MCUBERT: Memory-Efficient BERT Inference on Commodity Microcontrollers